5 Awesome Ways to Monetize Your Podcast

How to Monetize Your Podcast (1)

If you’re like most people these days, you probably listen to a fair number of podcasts. From commuting and doing chores to hitting the treadmill or blocking out co-workers at the office, there’s no shortage of opportunities to listen to a podcast on your favorite subject.

If you’ve got a little more hustle than most people, you’ve recognized that this is an enormous opportunity to start your own podcast and maybe make a little extra cash in the process. It won’t be easy, but it can definitely be done.

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INFOGRAPHIC: How to Earn Passive Income with a Niche Website

Earning steady passive income is a pipe dream for many people, but that doesn’t make it out of reach for most people. Quite the opposite – anyone with an internet connection and a bit of free time can make a decent amount of passive income by creating and monetizing online content targeted at a highly specific demographic on what’s known as a “niche website.”

There are plenty of case studies and guides online about niche website ideas and other ways to earn passive income online, but this post is meant to provide a brief primer for people just getting started. Check out our infographic and the content below to learn more about generating smart passive income!

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